Upcoming Shows
02.22.2025 : Frog Alley, Schenectady NY 8pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
05.03.2025: The Falcon, Marlboro, NY 7:00 w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
06.06.2025: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 p w/STARCODE
07.18.2025 Summer Concert Series: Croton-on-Hudson's waterfront Senasqua Park 7 - 9:30 pm
08.09.2025 : Frog Alley, Schenectady NY 8pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
09.05.2025: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 p w/STARCODE
09.20.2025: Angels of Rock Benefit, Freedom Park, Pleasant Valley, NY Time RBA w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
09.21.2025: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 2-5 p w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
Past Shows
02.01.2025: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm 'Ice Bar' Weekend!
01.25.2025: Last Chance Antiques & Cheese Cafe, Tannersville NY 7:30-10:30 pm
12.28.2024 : Frog Alley, Schenectady NY 5-8pm
11.30.2024: The Falcon, Marlboro, NY 7:00 w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
10.12.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm
09.21.2024: Angels of Rock Benefit, Freedom Park, Pleasant Valley, NY 1:40-2:40 pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
09.20.2024: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 p w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
09.07.2024 : Nussy's Bier Garten, Round Top, NY Performance time 3:30-7pm.
09.06.2024: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 p
08.31.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm
08.23.2024: The Falcon, Marlboro, NY 7:00 SOLD OUT w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
08.17.2024 : Frog Alley, Schenectady NY 8pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
08.10.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm 5 Year Bourbon Release Party!
08.04.2024 : MAZZSTOCK, Marlboro NY 5pm (Ticket link here: Presale Code 'MUSCLE') w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
08.02.2024 : First Friday, Monroe, GA 8-10:30pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
07.13.2024 : Athens Street Fair - Athens River Side Park, Athens, NY 7:30pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
07.07.2024 : Hyer Ground Rescue Benefit - Nussy's Beer Garden, Round Top, NY 4:00-8 pm: Performance from 7-9 pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
07.06.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm
06.01.2024 Grace Hall, Ossining, NY 3-6p w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
05.25.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 3-6 pm
05.11.2024: The Falcon, Marlboro, NY 7:00 w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends) SOLD OUT!
02.23.2024: The Falcon, Marlboro, NY 7:00 w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
02.10.2024 Grace Hall, Ossining, NY 7:30p-11p w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
01.27.2024: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
10.13.2023: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 pm w/Muscle Shoals (Celebrating The Allman Brothers Band and Friends)
10.07.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
09.09.2023: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 pm w/Muscle Shoals (A Tribute to The Allman Brothers Band)
09.02.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
08.20.2023: Altamont Fair Grounds, 12 - 3:30 pm
08.12.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm *FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY*
08.01.2023: Altamont Summer Concert Series: Orsini Park Gazebo, Altamont, NY 7-8:30 pm w/Muscle Shoals (A Tribute to The Allman Brothers Band)
07.09.2023: Newburgh Brewing Company, Newburgh, NY 2-5 pm
07.02.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
06.23.2023: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 pm
05.27.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
05.13.2023: Rip Van Winkle Wine, Brew, and Beverage Festival 4 pm w/Starcode original lineup!
02.04.2023: The Oak House, Durham, NC 5-7 pm
01.28.2023: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
10.28.2022: Chicken Run, Windham, NY 6-9 pm
10.16.2022: W/Hudson Line Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 pm
09.30.2022: Allied Brewing Co, Altamont, NY 6p-9 pm
09.17.2022: Crossroads Brewing Co. Taproom, Catskill, NY
09.03.2022: American Oak Distillery, Bolton Landing, NY 2-5 pm
08.17.2022: Altamont Fair Grounds, 1-5 pm
08.13.2022: Kent Countryside Inn Carmel, NY 7-10 pm Outdoors!
08.07.2022: Private Event, w/Starcode
07.02.2022: American Oak Distillery Taproom, Time 2-5 pmBolton Landing, NY
06.04.2022: Kent Countryside Inn Carmel, NY 8-11 pm
05.28.2022: Crossroads Brewing Co. Taproom, Time 4-Catskill, NY
05.08.2021: Hudson Brewing Co., Hudson, NY 4-7 pm
05.07.2022: The Rip Van Winkle Wine, Brew & Beverage Festival, 3pmCatskill, NY w/Starcode
04.28.2022: The Oak House, Durham, NC 7:30 pm
03.19.2022: Kent Countryside Inn Carmel, NY 7-10 pm
02.05.2022: Arlene's Grocery, w/StarcodeNew York, NY 8-9pm
11.20.2021: Hudson Brewing Co. 6-9 pm Hudson, NY
11.19.2021: The New England Brewing Co. 5:30-8:30 pmWoodbridge, CT
11.13.2021: Kent Countryside Inn 7-10 pm Carmel, NY
11.10.2021: Infinity Hall, w/ Stand Back opening for The Outlaws
Hartford CT
09.18.2021: Mixed Breed Brewing Time 4-6 pmGuilderland Center, NY
09.17.2921: Hudson Brewing Co. 7-10 pmHudson, NY
09.10.2021: Kent Countryside Inn 7-10 pm Carmel, NY
09.05.2021: Crossroads Brewing Co. Taproom 3-6 pm Catskill, NY
09.04.2021: American Oak Distillery 4-7 pmBolton Landing, NY
09.02.2021: Facebook Live! 7-8:30 pmLive from Catskill, NY
08.28.2021: The Rip Van Winkle Wine, Brew & Beverage Festival 11:30 amCatskill, NY
08.21.2021: The New England Brewing Co. 5:30-8:30 pmWoodbridge, CT
08.19.2021: The Breachway Grill 7-10 pm
Charlestown, RI
08.08.2021: Kent Countryside Inn 1-4 pm
Carmel, NY
07.31.2021: Crossroads Brewing Co. Taproom 4-7 pm
Catskill, NY
07.22.2021: Facebook Live! 7-8:30 pmLive from Catskill, NY
07.24.2021 Private Party: Performing with CT Grateful Dead Allstars
Weston, CT 6-9 pm
07.17.2021: Kent Countryside Inn: Performing with Tim McCullough 7-10 pm
Carmel, NY
07.10.2021 Private Party:
Bardonia, NY 7-10 pm
05.22.2021: Kent Countryside Inn Carmel, NY 7-10 pm
09.18.2020: The New England Brewing Co. Woodbridge, CT 5:30-8:30 pm